Kitab Dzammul Hawa

by AdaraStudio

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The Book of Dzammul Hawa, among its contents, discusses the Power of Intellect, Types, Nature and Re...

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The Book of Dzammul Hawa, among its contents, discusses the Power of Intellect, Types, Nature and Results of the Human MindNarrated from Ibn Abbas r.a.: The Prophet saw. said, "Everything has tools and tools; and the tools and tools of the believer are reason. Everything has a vehicle; and a persons vehicle is reason. Everything has a pillar; and the pillar of religion is reason. Every people has a goal; and the goal of servants is reason. Every people has a leader; and the leader of worshipers is reason. Every trader has merchandise; and the merchandise of the mujtahids is reason. Every householder has a guard and the guard of the shiddiqun is reason. Every damage has development, and the development of the afterlife is reason. Everyone has the virtue that he is attributed to and by which he is called, and the virtue of the shiddiqun that they are attributed to and by which they are called is reason. Every journey has a tent; and the tent of the believers is reason. [Al-Mahajjah al -Baydha, by al-Faydh al-Kasyani, vol. 1, p. 172]"In al-Kafi there is a hadith which states that the Messenger of Allah. said, "There is nothing that Allah has bestowed upon slaves that is more important than reason. The sleep of a wise person is more important than the wakefulness of an ignorant person. The stay of a wise person is more important than the departure of a stupid person. Allah SWT did not send a prophet nor did he send a messenger before perfects reason, and his mind becomes superior to all the minds of his people. [ibid]"It was narrated from Imam ash-Sadiq a.s., "The proof of Allah for the servants is the Prophet, and the argument between the servants and Allah SWT is reason. [Ibid, vol. 1, p. 174]"It was narrated from Imam al-Baqir a.s., "Allah specifies the reckoning of the servants on the Day of Judgment according to the level given to them in the form of intellect in the world. [ibid]"It was narrated from Imam ash-Sadiq a.s., "There is nothing that distinguishes faith from disbelief except a little bit of reason. Someone asked, "How is that possible, O son of the Messenger of Allah?" If he had given up his intention to Allah, surely He would have given him what he wanted in a shorter time than that. [ibid]"Nature and Types of ReasonUnderstanding the essence of reason depends on an explanation of the nature of reason and differences of opinion and terms about it. Therefore, we say that reason etymologically means to think about and understand something. Meanwhile, the meaning in terminology is as follows.First, the nature that distinguishes humans from other animals. It is reason in this sense that has the readiness to accept theoretical sciences and regulate the misadventures of hidden mental activity. This understanding is meant by al-Harith al Muhasibi when he defines reason. It is periodic, Reason is the instinct that gives the ability to comprehend theoretical knowledge and organize actions. He is like a light stored in the heart, and by means of which all things can be understood. [Ibid, vol. 1, p. 177]"If someone already has this condition then he is able to "know good and bad and can distinguish between the two, can know the causes, causes and effects of everything, as well as things that prevent it. Intellect in this sense is a place where taklif, reward, and punishment. [Bihar al-Anwar, vol.l, p. 99.]".